Large, Multi-Line Operator Display
Two-Line Customer Display
Quick Thermal Printer with Auto Cutter Function
Electronic Journal
Quick and Accurate Price Entry
Large Multi-Line Operator Display
A brightly lit 192 x 80-dot LCD operator display accommodates 6 or10 lines* and up to 24 alphanumeric characters, allowing clerks toview the names of purchased items and other information withsuperb readability. And for easy viewing, the operator display canbe tilted from 15 to 90 degrees.
* 6 lines for sales registration; 10 lines for reporting/programming
Two-Line Customer Display
Easy-to-read backlit LCD gives customers a clear view of purchaseand price information and can be rotated to the perfect viewingangle. The rst line of this two-line display accommodates up to 20characters; the second line canhold up to 10 digits. This pop-upcustomer display can also showscrolling messages, such asgreetings or special-offerpromotions.
Note: SD cards are not included. Software forimporting PC-configured data into the XE-A307is provided. Consult your Sharp dealer for details.The SD logo is a trademark of the SDCard Association.
Quick Thermal Printer withAuto Cutter Function
The built-in thermal printer with auto cutter function prints out salesreceipts on 58-mm-wide paper at the speedy rate of approximately15 lines per second. Logo graphics can also be printed out forcustomised receipts that help promote business. Two stations?onefor receipts and one for real-timejournal transactions?enableefcient management. And, adrop-in paper loading mechanismlets you change paper rollsquickly and easily.
Electronic Journal
The Electronic Journal function can electronically store up to 9,000lines of transaction data as standard. For easy reference, theElectronic Journal View function can display transaction data fromprevious entries. And Electronic Journal data can be saved to an SDcard and viewed on a PC at a later date.
Quick and Accurate Price Entry
For easy price entry, the ER-A421 comes standard with 2,000PLU/EAN with three price levels, and the ER-A411 is equipped with5,000 PLU/EAN expandable up to 20,000. Sales can be totaled withaccuracy and speed by inputting the code for the items beingpurchased, by pressing the direct PLU keys, or by scanning theEAN code with a barcode reader (not included). A maximum of 99departments is also available for easy tracking and analysis oftransactions by product type. For the retail market, the Mix andMatch Promotion function maximises sales opportunities andenables fast and efcient automatic deduction of discounts.
High-Capacity Metal Cash Drawer
The space-saving cash drawertakes up minimal counter space yetprovides plenty of storage via vecompartments for bills and eight forcoins. When not in use, theruggedly built drawer can be lockedshut to keep your money safe.
Easy Data Backup/Transferwith an SD Card
The ER-A421/A411 is equipped with an SD card slot (SD card notincluded) that can be used to back up various kinds of data,including daily sales and Electronic Journal data. Data can be savedto an SD card then managed on a computer via Excel or otherspreadsheet applications. With the Free PC-Link Software, varioussettings?store name and logo,department names, product names, salestax rates, and others?can be conguredon a computer for quick and easy transferto the ER-A421/A411 via an SD card.
Excellent Hospitality Features
With features usually available only on higher-end registers, theER-A421/A411 is ideal for the hospitality market. The tablemanagement system enables full table tracking together with asophisticated bill separation menu that allows bills to be split byitem, number of persons, or amount. For the fast food market,there?s a useful feature for assigning each order its ownincrementally increased reference number. For any busymulti-operator business, the Sharp Overlap Clerk System ensuresquick customer service and accurate entry of all registrations.
Four RS-232 Ports forScanner Readiness and Online Capability
The ER-A421/A411 comes standard with four RS-232 ports for easysystem expansion via peripheral devices. Connecting theER-A421/A411 to a scanner (not included), for example, brings theadded advantage of speedy, accuratebarcode entry. And when theER-A421/A411 is connected to a PC,sales gures can be uploaded forefcient data management and analysis.
Other Key Features
· Flexible and programmable keyboards: flat keyboard (ER-A421)and normal keyboard (ER-A411)
· Auto power save function can be deactivated by pressing any key
· Tax (VAT) shift function (6 rates)
· Age Verification
· Additional Auto Keys (up to 10) to automate routine tasks; savestime with end-of-the-day tasks and is useful for creating
tenderkeys for the most commonly used banknotes
· Electronic Journal functions for European fiscal compliance